Stunning, purpose-driven, high performance websites

Our websites are custom designed and “built from scratch”, to create an amazing user experience for your website users. We take a purpose-based approach, working with you to first understand your business objectives and to define what ‘success looks like’ for you. This gives us the background to create meaningful user journeys, design points of engagement, articulate CTAs and convert passive browses to active users. We have built everything from simple portfolio sites to enhanced eCommerce platforms that have generated millions of US Dollars in online sales for customers. A great website drives engagement, performance and conversions; we endeavour to create a great website every time.

SEO servies at Accuretta

Our Approach for Web Design and Development 

To us, templates are a thing of the past. Our unique component-based architecture approach facilitates the creation of dynamic websites that can be modified on the fly based on user journeys and interaction data. We guarantee a unique web design each time, crafted specifically for your brand, analyzing your potential customers, competitors and the industry. Performance will always be at the heart of our web design strategy and we ensure your website looks as good on a 4-inch screen as it does on a 4k desktop, optimized for multiple devices, faster downloads and search engines. Whether you want a simple online brochure or plan to dominate your market with a brilliant e-commerce platform, we’re the web development company for you.

Web Development Strategy

A team comprising of a digital strategist, account manager, web designer, SEO specialist and technical lead will be assigned to every web project. This team will work with you to map your business objectives, analyses your market, gather and sign-off technical requirements to finalize your overarching web strategy and success parameters.


We typically categorize website users as passive information viewers, active information seekers and convertors. Our goal during this phase is to figure out how best to present information, in what forms and what stages, to ensure your website drives discovery, creates interest, entices engagement and finally converts in a meaningful manner.

Web Design

Insights from the Information Architecture phase will guide our website design process, ensuring the design phase creates the user experience and user journey that your brand needs. Our website designers will roll up their sleeves and bring your award-winning website design to life. Designs are accompanied with a functional guide, design storyboard and brand guideline checklist.


Depending on the size and scale of your responsive website, development will be managed in sprints. Antyra Labs’ websites are engineered to perform across browsers and devices ensuring a seamless user experience. We pride ourselves in being platform independent and will recommend what we believe is the best option for your brand and budget. Site security is a key aspect of consideration during development and we will take a holistic approach that includes website, server and transaction security.

QA and Testing

Creating a high-quality website requires thorough quality assurance testing on multiple devices to ensure that pages load quickly and properly on mobile, tablet, and desktop. We run both physical and simulated tests to ensure browser compatibility, device optimization security and search engine optimization.


Its time to go live. Based on your requirements we will help deploy your site on Amazon Web Services, Azure, WPEngine, GoDaddy or DigitalOcean. Install / configure web firewalls, setup backup processes, archive your old site, cut-over to live and take on the world!

A good strategy isn’t complete until you see results. Our analytics report will show how well your SEO strategy has performed over the course of the months. At the end of each month, you will get an in-depth report of our SEO efforts, with pro-active recommendations on how we can improve further.