Keeping your Business Ahead of the Social Curve

Social Media Management should be plain and simple, right? Especially when we spend at least 60% of our day on various platforms. Except, it’s not. There’s an art to proper management of social media, because as we all know, your brand can make or break on social media.
Antyra Digital ‘makes’ a brand on social media. By collaborating with Studios and developing the brand guideline, our strategy for your social media management is perfected. From storytelling to managing customer queries to finding out what content your audience prefers the most, we’ll take control of your social media, so you don’t have to worry about it.

Our Approach for Search Engine Optimization

Study and Research

The first step to any strategy is to understand what you want out of your efforts. Social Media Marketing is more than just increasing followers and ensuring that you get likes on your posts. It’s about telling stories, giving personality to your brand and creating relationships with your audience.

After finalizing your goals and objectives, we identify the channels that correlate the most with your goals. When it comes to social media, it’s just as critical to know who your target audience is. Who buys your products? Who are your biggest returning customers? Once we figure all this out, we’re on to the next step!


Content Creation

Our job is to ensure that you stand out from the crowd and create purposeful work that connects with your audience and represents your brand the best way possible. We’ll find the ideal way to incorporate your brand through social media.

The internet never sleeps, and neither do we. Being ever present on social media is key and creating the ideal content at the right time for your audience is what we are there for. We know the best time, day and moment to post your content. From simply taking a picture to creating stunning drone footage, we can take your brand to the next level.


Reputation Management

When you’re on social media, it’s almost impossible to avoid negative feedback, no matter how perfect.
your online presence can be. We’ll handle your online reputation and take the necessary steps to make sure your brand is protected, and the right message is always conveyed, no matter who or what your brand is about

Analyse and Reports

We don’t just post. We monitor and analyse each post, story or update. This is where we figure out whether a content piece wins or not in the social media sphere. It also helps us improve our efforts to make your brand a success. Once we have analysed, we’ll sit you down and show you our reports. This will also give you an idea of what we’ve done, what has worked, and what has not, paving the way to plan out your next strategy.