Protect your investments and plan for success

To stay relevant in a digital world, a piecemeal approach just won’t cut it. In our opinion, gone are the days conversations on digital started with ‘I want to build a website’. Work with us to build a clear and actionable road map that protects your investment and drives tangible results.

We believe the lines of marketing strategy and digital strategy are getting blurrier by the minute. As digital increasingly becomes the first touchpoint for your consumer, have you planned for discovery, engagement and fulfilment?

Our Approach for Search Engine Optimization

Define Success

We’ll work with you to breakdown your vision into quantifiable business and brand objectives to understand success parameters. This will be the base of our strategy, we will create an approach for you based on your unique requirements, goals, mission and vision of your company.


The most important step of any good digital strategy process is the research phase. We carry out an in – depth research and analysis of your company, industry trends & insights, customers and competitors to execute the digital strategy successfully.

Develop Strategic Plan

What to do when and where to start will be the first question we would answer. The strategic plan is typically a stage-based iterative process starting small and expanding outward as data is gathered and assumptions are tested. The strategic plan will include channel recommendations, media plans and timetables to keep everyone on the same page.

Financial Feasibility and Budgeting

Numbers are important. In an e-commerce scenario the financial feasibility study will include the evaluation of market data to project our cost per customer acquisition, expected basket sizes, sales estimations and expected total monthly sales. If the business objectives are non-financial, clear metrics for evaluation are decided and costs to achieve same are quantified. In all scenarios’ ROI objectives for each stage of the strategic plan and budget to achieve same are confirmed before kick-off.

Infrastructure and Operational Audit

We often see plans go awry as digital is given over to ‘the agency’ and forgotten about internally. For digital marketing to succeed, the organizations infrastructure to support digital initiatives and the operational processes for the day-to-day need to be in place and tested. Inventory needs to be managed, supply chain management should be flawless, hotlines need to be manned. The best executed campaigns fall short if the organization is not geared to handle the support processes needed to create ROI.

Link Building

The strategic plan will translate to different services and channel specific execution. As part of Antyra’s Digital Strategy service, we recommend periodic strategic reviews to ensure all stakeholders are updated, execution is on par with expectations and any course corrections required are identified and implemented in time.

Strategic Review

A good strategy isn’t complete until you see results. Our analytics report will show how well your SEO strategy has performed over the course of the months. At the end of each month, you will get an in-depth report of our SEO efforts, with pro-active recommendations on how we can improve further.